Saturday, June 28, 2008

The tale of the jackal, dog and rabbit.

Once upon a time, there lived a jackal, dog and rabbit. They were kind hearted and liked to help other animals except for the jackal, who was very cunning.
One fine day, they saw an old man nearly dieing of hunger. Moreover, on that special day, people must find some food and give them to the poor. So, the jackal suggested that they, too, should participate in this event.
And so the jackal, dog and rabbit started looking for food. The jackal found a chicken and managed to kill it. Then the dog saw another chicken, and killed it too. Then, with the help of the rabbit, they cooked the chickens that they caught. Then they looked for a person to give the meat to. After a day of finding, they saw the old man that they saw earlier.
Just as they were about to give the meat, the rabbit realized that he did not have anything to contribute to the man. He then thought to give some water instead. After desperately looking everywhere for water, the rabbit finally found a stream. Then he realized that he did not have anything to put the water into, or anything to scoop the water with!
Then the jackal said to him, “Why don’t you kill yourself and give yourself to the old man? He would then be very happy.” Unknown to the rabbit, the jackal wanted to eat the rabbit but they were good friends, almost since birth, and it would not seem right to the dog if he killed the rabbit. But now he had the perfect excuse to kill the rabbit.
“Okay, I’ll go and ask the old man to kill me,” was the rabbit’s reply. The jackal felt bewildered. If the old man killed him, he would not have the chance of eating the rabbit! He quickly added, “Use your brains, rabbit. The old man would not have enough strength to kill you. I will kill you in his place.” But luckily for the rabbit, the dog arrived and said, “Wouldn’t you feel bad if you killed him? Let the old man decide who kills who.”
So it was decided. They walked to the old man and told them about the idea. The old man said, “We humans are not allowed to kill animals on this day. So, you do not need to die. The two chickens were enough to fill my poor old stomach.” “But… We have sworn to help somebody on this day! I’ve got an idea. Make a fire please,” said the rabbit. So the dog and the jackal, with the help of the old man, made a fiery hot fire.
“Three… Two…. One!” The rabbit jumped into the fire. The jackal was thinking, “How was he going to get the rabbit’s meat if the old man takes it?” But unfortunately for the jackal, the rabbit doesn’t burn. Miraculously, the rabbit just sat in there, looking very surprised. The old man said, “Aah, you have been blessed by the blessings of god. They have forsaken you for not helping anyone today. For your bravery, you are granted to be a star!”
And since that day, on that very special day, there will be a star shaped like a rabbit in the sky. The jackal’s plan was discovered later on, and he was killed by a butcher when he stole a piece of meat. The dog and rabbit lived happily ever.

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